Professor Jianhong Wu | University Distinguished Research Professor Canada Research Chair in Industrial and Applied Mathematics Director, Advanced Disaster, Emergency and Rapid Response Simulations (ADERSIM) Director, Laboratory for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (LIAM) Department of Mathematics and Statistics York University Editor-in-Chief: Infectious Disease Modelling E-mail:wujh@mathstat.yorku.ca |
 Dr. Ali Asgary | Disaster & Emergency Management/School of Administrative Studies, York University E-mail: asgary@yorku.caWebsites: http://www.yorku.ca/asgary |
 Professor Alexander Ferworn | Ryerson University Department of Computer Science E-mail:aferworn@scs.ryerson.ca websites: www.scs.ryerson.ca/~aferworn |
 Dr. Jane Heffernan | Ryerson University Department of Computer Science E-mail:aferworn@scs.ryerson.ca websites: www.scs.ryerson.ca/~aferworn |
 Professor Jimmy Huang | School of Information Technology, York UniversityWebsites School Director Office: 3048 Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Building (DB) (Formerly known as Technology Enhanced Learning Building) Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 30149 Email: jhuang@yorku.ca Primary website: www.yorku.ca/jhuang |
 Professor Kenneth McBey | School of Administrative Studies School of Human Resource Management Disaster & Emergency Management Public Policy Administration & Law Office: Atkinson College, 252 Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 33390 Email: kmcbey@yorku.ca |
 Dr. Niru Nirupama-Agrawal | School of Administrative Studies, York University Disaster & Emergency Management/ Office: Atkinson College, 210A Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 30330 Email: nirupama@yorku.ca |
 Dr. Brian Schwartz | Department of Family and Community, University of Toronto Assistant Professor, Medicine and Dalla Lana School of Public Health e-mail: Brian..schwartz@oahpp.ca |
 Professor Slobodan Simonovic | Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Western Ontario Director of Engineering Studies, Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction |
 Dr. Guno Sohn | York University Earth and Space Science and Engineering E-mail:gsohn@yorku.ca Website: http://www.yorku.ca/gsohn |