Canadian cities, towns, municipalities, regions, and provinces experience various types of major disaster and emergencies. Major disasters and emergencies are not just bigger than everyday emergencies that fire departments normally respond to them. They can quickly overwhelm fire departments. They may require the application of different performance standards and protocols. While fire departments are proficient at planning and preparing for normal operating conditions and some of them have great experiences with large emergencies, better understanding and preparedness for disaster events is more challenging. Knowledge of the expected situations and preparedness lead to better fire response during such events. Understanding the nature, volume, characteristics and response performances of fire departments during major disasters and emergencies is very important. This study aims to provide some insights into the patterns and characteristics of fire incidents during major disaster and emergencies in Canada using the National Fire Incident Database (NFID).
Funded by: Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs (CAFC).
Team members
- Ali Asgary
- Jianhong Wu
- Hadi Rezvani
- Jenaro Nosedal-Sanchez
- Julianna Primiani
Project outcomes: Draft project report
Ali Asgary, York University; Jenaro Nosedal-Sanchez, Julianna Primiani,
Fires and High-rise Buildings in Canadian Cities, Urban Affairs Association 2018 UAA Annual Conference, Toronto, April 4-7.
Jenaro Nosedal-Sanchez, Ali Asgary, Adriano O. Solis, Jianhong Wu, 2018, "Fire Response Time Variations in Urban Areas Under Normal and Large Emergencies: Case of 2013 Toronto Ice Storm and Flash Flood Emergencies", Urban Affairs Association 2018 UAA Annual Conference, Toronto, April 4-7.